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Kavanaugh, to fill his seat.Īfter a fierce fight in the Senate, Kavanaugh was confirmed on a 50-48 vote, thanks to a key vote of support from Maine Sen. His retirement cleared the way for Trump to appoint one of Kennedy’s former clerks, Judge Brett M. He was a Catholic who believed abortion was immoral, but he also believed the Constitution protected the liberty of individuals to make personal decisions about their lives. Kennedy had struggled with the abortion issue. Wade, announced he was retiring at age 81. Kennedy, a Republican appointee who had voted to uphold Roe vs. Gorsuch, a friend and admirer of Scalia, to fill his seat on the Supreme Court. Shortly after taking office, Trump chose Judge Neil M. On election day, Clinton won more popular votes, but Trump won an electoral college majority by prevailing in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. The winner of the 2016 presidential race would choose Scalia’s successor.ĭemocrat Hillary Clinton was a strong supporter of abortion rights, while Republican Donald Trump said he would appoint antiabortion justices who would vote to overturn Roe vs. In a historic reversal, the Supreme Court on Friday overturned the landmark 1973 Roe vs. World & Nation Photos: Emotions run high as Supreme Court reverses Roe vs.

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